The Ultimate Guide To Hyster Forklifts

When it comes to heavy-duty material handling equipment, Hyster is a name that consistently stands out. Known for their superior performance and incredible durability, Hyster forklifts are a top choice amongst various industries. They offer a broad array of products to meet every need, from warehouse stackers to container handlers and more.

Established in the 1920s, Hyster has cemented its place as a global market leader in the manufacturing of forklift trucks and other powered materials handling equipment. With its headquarters located in Cleveland, Ohio, the company has been innovating and advancing technologies in the industry, resulting in an unmatched product line of reliable and robust machines that maximize productivity and lower operational cost.

Hyster Forklifts & Their Unique Features

A signature characteristic of Hyster forklifts is their unrivaled toughness and long-lasting power. They are meticulously engineered to function seamlessly in a multitude of rigorous environments, making them a favorite in sectors such as construction, industrial manufacturing, shipping, and warehousing.

Ranging from 2,000 – 105,820 lbs lift capacity, Hyster provides versatile options to cater to various material handling needs. Highly efficient engines power their forklifts, ensuring exceptional fuel efficiency and reduced emissions. Additionally, Hyster forklifts are equipped with advanced ergonomics and safety features to provide an excellent operator experience.

When it comes to purchasing equipment like this, used forklifts are often a solid choice for many businesses. Used Hyster forklifts offer the same robust durability and efficiency but at a significantly reduced cost. They undergo stringent inspections, reconditioning, and maintenance to assure optimal performance and safety. Having been proven on the job, they can be an economical, reliable and sustainable choice for many businesses.

Why Choose Hyster Forklifts?

Forklifts from Hyster are designed with durability, dependability, and productivity in mind. These machines use powerful engines and cutting-edge technologies to ensure they can handle the most demanding jobs. Here are some reasons why Hyster forklifts are worth giving serious consideration.

  • Reliability: Hyster forklifts are tested under extreme conditions to ensure they can withstand the most challenging tasks.
  • Range: Hyster has a comprehensive range of forklifts including container handlers, high-capacity lift trucks, pallet trucks, and reach trucks, each designed with specific applications in mind.
  • Technology: Hyster is consistently innovating and advancing its technology to further improve the efficiency, durability, and operational effectiveness of its forklifts.
  • Support: Hyster has a global network of dealers who provide an exemplary aftersales support, including maintenance service, parts replacement, and training.


In conclusion, Hyster forklifts stands out with their robust build, high performance, extensive range and excellent customer support. Regardless of your industry, when it comes to tackling demanding tasks, Hyster has a forklift to suit your specific needs. Whether you’re considering buying new or opting for used forklifts, Hyster models are a reliable choice that can deliver unparalleled efficiency and dependable service for years to come.